Chivita Ice Tea 1ltr
Category Juices and Flavored Drinks
Tag Chivita Ice Tea 1ltr
Chivita Ice Tea is a sparkling, lovely and refreshing juice drink. It is sweet, crisp and tasty. Produced to the highest standards of quality?? and health, Chivita is a juice you can trust. Containing no added Sugar, no preservative, no artificial colours, Chivita is a nutrient density beverage, poised to address your nutritional needs at every stage of your life. Chivita is produced by Chi Limited, a company that was incorporated in 1980. Chi limited is in turn, owned by The CocaCola Company, which ensures the transfer of class and pedigree. Chi in Chinese philosophy, represents the essence or life force of an individual. And this is exactly what chivita symbolises. It renews, refreshes, reenergizes like a live giving force packed into a paper box. With chivita, life develops a taste that ranges across different flavours of delight and happiness. So whether with snacks or a good meal, you should always recline with a juice serving from chivita.
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