Mich & Kay Greek Yogurt 400ml
Defiantly rich and creamy, but surprisingly fat-free, this is a nonfat Greek yogurt that doesn’t compromise on taste or texture.
-High Protein
-No Preservatives
-100% Natural
-Sold in a BPA free container₦3,700.00Mich & Kay Greek Yogurt 400ml
₦3,700.00 -
Nestle Pure Life Drinking Water 150cl×12
Great-tasting water is at the heart of healthy hydration. Nestlé® Pure Life® products are made with purified water enhanced with our unique blend of minerals for a crisp, clean taste. Treat your family to our purified bottled water or our calorie-free flavored sparkling water created from all-natural exotic fruit essences.
₦4,200.00Nestle Pure Life Drinking Water 150cl×12
₦4,200.00 -
Fresh WaterMelon -(1 Piece)
Watermelons are large, oval or round in shape and have bright green skins with light green to yellow stripes. Inside, the flesh of the watermelon is pink to red in colour and sprinkled through with large black seeds and smaller, immature white seeds. They have a light, sweet, refreshing flavour and are wonderful when eaten alone or as part of a salad. Little amount of watermelon will fill your stomach quickly, If you have the food craving, and you want to eat something at night, then it’s the best choice. If eaten in moderate quantities then, this fruit is ideal for midnight hunger. The entire fruit is edible and healthy too so do not be afraid eating any part of it, even the seed. Watermelon is an inexpensive way to help you cleanse your body and lose weight.
₦2,087.25Fresh WaterMelon -(1 Piece)
₦2,087.25 -
Stock Fish Head
Seafood is very common in many Nigerian meals. We incorporate fish and other seafood into our dishes either as an ingredient or as an accompaniment to the main dish. Seafood is generally considered to be a lot healthier than other types of red or white meat. Fish is noticeably lighter and this can aid better and quicker digestion when it is eaten.
₦762.30Stock Fish Head
₦762.30 -
Fresh Pineapple – 1 piece
This Jumbo Pineapple is a great addition to smoothies
• Sweet, and Juicy
• Rich in vitamins, enzymes and antioxidant₦1,200.00Fresh Pineapple – 1 piece
₦1,200.00 -
Banana (Green)
Bananas are highly rich in Vitamin B and contains moderate amounts of Vitamin C, Manganese, and Dietary fiber. The freshness, softness, and sweetness of banana make it irresistible.
Bananas provide a fast energy boost in a natural, nutritious and easily digestible form with no fat, cholesterol or sodium.₦1,200.00Banana (Green)
₦1,200.00 -
CWAY Table Water Refill – 20 L
CWAY Table Water Refill – 20L – Be rest assured of quality and buy CWAY water and bottle for your family use on our online platform.
Clean Dispenser atleast once every four (4) months to keep your machine hygenic for use. Switch Off dispenser if water is exhausted. Be sure you water comes with CWAY blue seal and laser seal.
Take good care of bottles.
₦1,800.00CWAY Table Water Refill – 20 L
₦1,800.00 -
Green Apples- (5 pieces)
Our green apples are fresh and ready for your consumption. Green apples seem to be everyone’s favorite as it has both the sweet and sour taste. The crunchy feel in the mouth also makes it a more common choice. Apples are perfect for healthy snacking during the day. For the kids, it’s a non-messy fruit option to include in their lunch box. Kids need all the energy and nutrients, no better way than through an apple. Also, green apples are commonly used in fruit salads and smoothies. Like they say, an apple a day keeps the doctors away. Let’s keep the doctors away by ordering from GoMarket. We’ll deliver anywhere in Lagos.
₦2,783.00Green Apples- (5 pieces)
₦2,783.00 -
Cucumber (3 Pieces)
Cucumbers give you energy because they are full of B vitamins and carbohydrates. Cucumbers are eaten raw—without the peeling. You can eat them in salad, on sandwiches, or by themselves. Some people like to put salt or vinegar on their cucumbers…or both. The smooth-skinned cucumbers
Cucumbers are also used to make pickles; dill pickles, sweet pickles, or spicy pickles.
₦730.54Cucumber (3 Pieces)
₦730.54 -
Crayfish – (One Cup)
Get your fresh and delicious crayfish. Use as an ingredient in Nigerian soups and meals to make them delightfully tastier.
₦1,200.00Crayfish – (One Cup)
₦1,200.00 -
Lime x5
These limes will provide ample juice for vibrant zing in salsa, dipping sauce, and noodle! There’s just something about those juices’ flavors that say “summer”.
Fast Facts
-High levels of magnesium and potassium
-Hydrate and rejuvenate your skin
-Results in reducing inflammation₦365.27Lime x5
₦365.27 -
Fresh Corn (6 Pieces)
Our sweet corn is orgnically grown with great nutritious value and intended for processing different products, like the well-known “popcorn”, etc. Sweet corn is widely used as an ingredient in salads, sauces and cold dishes.
₦1,905.75Fresh Corn (6 Pieces)
₦1,905.75 -
Shoko Leaves
Shoko is a leafy vegetable mainly popular in the western part of Nigeria. It is also the main leaf used in the preparation of efo riro, a popular vegetable soup.
₦600.00Shoko Leaves
₦600.00 -