Johnnie walker red pocket size
Johnnie Walker Pocket Scotch is the portable whisky that goes wherever you go. It’s the perfect way to share your Johnnie Walker Red Label with friends.
Johnnie Walker Red Label is now the best-selling Scotch Whisky around the globe. Perfect for parties and get-togethers, at home or going out. An exotic combination of spicy cinnamon and fresh black pepper, which crackles on the centre of your tongue.
₦6,897.00₦7,260.00Johnnie walker red pocket size
₦6,897.00₦7,260.00 -
Baron Romero Red Wine -750ml
It is the perfect choice for different types of meals.
₦4,891.43Baron Romero Red Wine -750ml
₦4,891.43 -
Morning Fresh Dishwashing Liquid – 1L
For decades and still counting, Morning Fresh Dishwashing Liquid with super concentrate has led the pack in the dishwashing market; ensuring families have cleaner and fresher dishes meal after meal. You can count on the Morning Fresh Dishwashing Liquid power to give you fantastic performance over and over again with the tiniest drop that gets the job done with speed.
₦3,500.00Morning Fresh Dishwashing Liquid – 1L
₦3,500.00 -
Yellow, Red, Green Bell Pepper x3 (One of Each)
The most common sweet mild pepper is the bell pepper, which comes in a wide array of colors, ranging from green, red, yellow, orange and purple. Sweet peppers are excellent for cooking because of their mellow flavor. Sweet bell peppers are a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin K.
₦3,500.00 -
Cashew Nuts Bottle
Fresh cashew from the farm and nicely packaged for your enjoyment.
₦10,000.00Cashew Nuts Bottle
₦10,000.00 -
Mortein Power Guard Insecticide 350ml
For effective killing of insects and rodents, use Mortein today and enjoy a good night sleep.
₦3,500.00Mortein Power Guard Insecticide 350ml
₦3,500.00 -
Fresh Shrimps 500g
From shrimp cocktails to seafood pastas, there’s nothing like fresh shrimp. With countless health benefits, a plump, succulent texture, and a sweet, delectable flavor, our shrimp for sale are one of our bestsellers. Try our fresh wild
₦4,235.00Fresh Shrimps 500g
₦4,235.00 -
Don Simon
Best when chilled. Don Simon Vino Tinto Wine offers an expertly and exquisitely manufactured wine with fruity aroma; light fruit flavor, crisp acidity, light body and dry, tart finish. Good for every occasion. Best when served chilled. It looks as good as it tastes.Produced under the highest quality control standards Refreshing and fulfilling
Suits every occasion
Best when chilled.Don Simon Vino Tinto is Best served when chilled. Wine offers an expertly and exquisitely manufactured wine with fruity aroma; light fruit flavor, crisp acidity, light body and dry, tart finish. Good for every occasion. Best when served chilled. It looks as good as it tastes. Produced under the highest quality control standards Refreshing and fulfilling
Suits every occasion₦4,891.43₦6,987.75Don Simon
₦4,891.43₦6,987.75 -
Kitchen Napkin Set
Easy-care and Safe: 100% Natural Cotton, Synthetic-free and Chemical-free. Not Fading, Not Dropping and Not the Ball
COTTON: These waffle knit dishcloths set are made of 100% Natural Cotton and include four coordinating colors pattern (blue/pink/yellow/green and white weave designs), colors that last multiple washes and holding up well. Minimal Shrinkage may occur after washing/drying.
PROFESSIONAL GRADE AT HOME – Experience the quality of a restaurant in the comfort of your own kitchen with our colorful dish towels! Tight stitching prevents lint from getting all over your food and dishes and ensures they won’t unravel – even after dozens of washes and heavy use. Lint-free and abrasive-free design, it will leaves no scratches or streaks on surfaces and dry quickly. Spend less time cleaning and more time relaxing!
SUPER CONVENIENT – No more hassles in the kitchen or need for paper towels – just rinse under warm water for a quick clean or throw in the wash for a deep clean. Set of 12 means you’ll always have a clean towel ready to go. Less mess, less stress!₦4,510.28Kitchen Napkin Set
₦4,510.28 -
Pringles Salt and Vinegar
Crunch and crackle your way to the bottom of the tube before you even realize you’ve opened it. This delicious flavour combination, a favourite of Brits for generations, delivers a punch and keeps you coming back for more. These tasty stackable treats have the classic Pringles crunch and are ideal for sharing at parties or on long car journeys.
₦3,600.00Pringles Salt and Vinegar
₦3,600.00 -
Dry Fish (Asa) x4
-Tasty well dried catfish.
-Weight 1KG
-Very good for Ogbonno soup, Egusi soup, Ijebu garri, Ofe Owerri, Afang soup.
-No growth hormone administered
-100% Natural₦3,630.00Dry Fish (Asa) x4
₦3,630.00 -
Milo Food Drink Refill 400g
Nestle Milo Chocolate Beverage is a malted chocolate flavor and has a extra texture. When combined with cold milk, it retains the gritty texture of its raw state. Milo when stirred into steamed milk or hot water creates something similar to hot chocolate or cocoa.
₦4,100.63Milo Food Drink Refill 400g
₦4,100.63 -
Minced Meat (Beef) ~380 g
Minced beef is such a versatile ingredient, and it’s one of our go-to ingredients for an easy, fuss-free dinner. Mince can be made from turkey, pork, lamb or chicken, and involves using a knife or a mincing machine. It’s also often a very inexpensive way of buying meat, and if it’s good-quality, you can’t beat its gorgeous flavour.
₦3,652.69Minced Meat (Beef) ~380 g
₦3,652.69 -
Cauliflower is nutrient rich because leaves contain the light-catching, energy-converting machinery of plants. It’s a good choice for a healthful diet because they do not contain cholesterol and are naturally low in calories and sodium.
₦4,065.60 -
Mich & Kay Greek Yogurt 400ml
Defiantly rich and creamy, but surprisingly fat-free, this is a nonfat Greek yogurt that doesn’t compromise on taste or texture.
-High Protein
-No Preservatives
-100% Natural
-Sold in a BPA free container₦3,700.00Mich & Kay Greek Yogurt 400ml
₦3,700.00 -
Capri Sun Apple 100ml (40 in carton)
Children everywhere know Capri-Sonne. The brand originated in Germany, where the fruit drink was launched in 1969. Today, it shines on every continent and is sold and enjoyed in more than 110 countries all over the world. Capri-Sonne spells fun & freshness for kids and their families, being served in a lightweight, unbreakable pouch. Regular controls ensure highest quality and the great taste of our product.
The sunny fruit juice drink is just perfect when you are out and about. Capri-Sonne – loved by kids, trusted by moms.
₦8,000.00Capri Sun Apple 100ml (40 in carton)
₦8,000.00 -
Mich & Kay Unsweetened Greek Yogurt 400ml
Defiantly rich and creamy, but surprisingly fat-free, this is a nonfat Greek yogurt that doesn’t compromise on taste or texture.
-High Protein
-No Preservatives
-100% Natural
-Sold in a BPA free container₦3,700.00 -
Dettol Antiseptic 250ml
Dettol Antiseptic Disinfectant Liquid is a versatile antiseptic which can be used for first aid, personal care and even used around the home.
₦3,800.00Dettol Antiseptic 250ml
₦3,800.00 -
Funtuna Eggs – 12 pieces
Funtuna Eggs are premium quality, low cholesterol eggs with firm dense albumen and raised golden yellow yolk indicating high carotenoid content, a substance which improves eye sight.
₦3,800.00Funtuna Eggs – 12 pieces
₦3,800.00 -