Chamdor Sparkling Wine-750ml
Chamdor is an alcohol free sparkling grape juice made from the highest quality grapes to give you the sweet wine flavors without the alcohol. It is smooth, sweet and sensational also a refreshing drink that can be served on all types of occasions. Store in the fridge once open Serve chilled.
₦19,965.00Chamdor Sparkling Wine-750ml
₦19,965.00 -
Falcon Aluminium Foil 10M
Excellent for refrigerator storage, very strong and durable.
*it helps keep food fresh in the refrigerator
* prevents food from drying out
* keeps odours & flavours from transferring₦7,000.00Falcon Aluminium Foil 10M
₦7,000.00 -
5alive pulpy
Alive Pulpy Orange Fruit Drink is a healthy and refreshing fruit drink with a great orange pulp taste. It is very refreshing and suits every occasion where served or taken.
₦7,500.005alive pulpy
₦7,500.00 -
Cocoyam – ede – One paint Bucket
One Paint Bucket of local ede (cocoyam)
₦7,018.00Cocoyam – ede – One paint Bucket
₦7,018.00 -
Chi Farms Chicken Fillet (Breast-Boneless) – 1kg
Touted as one of the healthier meats, it is incredible how chicken can be dished out in numerous ways. The white meat is easy to cook, taking only about a few minutes to soak in the various flavors of aromatic spices, seasonal veggies, herbs, cheese and rich sauces, and please your palate. It is ridiculously versatile and even better to experiment with sans bones. Chicken fillet, which is a cut of boneless meat from the breast or thighs, is a boon for those who like their protein fix but don’t really have the time to cook elaborate recipes at home. Even when those sudden hunger pangs kick in, you can quickly take some chicken fillet to make crispy bread-coated strips, creamy stuffed chicken, grilled tikkas, and the like.
₦7,050.00 -
Capri Sun Orange 200ml X 40 (Carton)
Children everywhere know Capri-Sonne. The brand originated in Germany, where the fruit drink was launched in 1969. Today, it shines on every continent and is sold and enjoyed in more than 110 countries all over the world. Capri-Sonne spells fun & freshness for kids and their families, being served in a lightweight, unbreakable pouch. Regular controls ensure highest quality and the great taste of our product.
The sunny fruit juice drink is just perfect when you are out and about. Capri-Sonne – loved by kids, trusted by moms.
₦12,000.00Capri Sun Orange 200ml X 40 (Carton)
₦12,000.00 -
Unripe Plantain Bundle
unripe plantain are a great source of fiber,potassium ,magnesium,vitamin a, b-6 and vitamin c which is good for the body and for growth.
₦7,500.00Unripe Plantain Bundle
₦7,500.00 -
Greenery Brown Mushrooms
Chestnut mushrooms with roasted chestnuts in a Madeira wine sauce is doing double duty as the perfect side dish or a vegetarian main course. Perfect when you have vegan and meat-eaters gathering around the same table. No need to make two dishes, we can all share!
₦7,500.00Greenery Brown Mushrooms
₦7,500.00 -
Rose Belle Toilet Tissue 2 Ply -48 Rolls
Rose Toilet Tissue Paper is manufactured to give a satisfactory, hygienic, and tender feelings for personal toilet function usage. It is non-irritable and gives no harsh-skin reactions. Absorbs and cleans very well.
₦17,600.00Rose Belle Toilet Tissue 2 Ply -48 Rolls
₦17,600.00 -
Falcon Cling Film 200sq ft 30cm
Falcon Cling Film
200sq ft x 30cm₦7,500.00Falcon Cling Film 200sq ft 30cm